Tips Page
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Here on our tips page we will give you information on what we think can help you out with playing paintball.
Our tips may be on playing a certain bunker, snap shooting, or just walking the feild before a tournement,, but they should help you out!

Speedball tips
1. Use as much cover as possible. In such small and tight spaces you need every inch of cover you can get.
2. Stay low. My old football coach always told the team that the low man wins the game. This is true for speedball as well. If you are behind a wall, bunker, etc., sit on your knees. You don't want to sit on your rump because then you won't be able to move out of there as quickly.
3. Be aggressive.Don't wait for them to come to you. Run shoot do anything you have to to get in a good position. Let them be the ones who sit back at gets shot at.
4. Aim with your gun. Sound simple right?? But, it isn't that easy. That means the gun should be on the outside of your body. Coming out the left side of bunker? Do not hold it like you are coming out of the right. Not only does it make it easier to aim but, it also makes you less of a target.
5. Stay cool. If they get one of your guys out don't sit there and wait to get hit. You have to play like you want to get hit believe it or not. If you run out guns blazing you might get them by surmise.
6. Always run with your gun by your shoulder. Can't really explain that one too much. [I can! If someone sees you as you're moving you are in a better position to bring the gun up to shoot]
7. Don't give away your position. Don't shoot the same side of the other guys bunker. He will know where the shots are coming from and might hit you when you try to pop out. [Another tip, don't come out of the same side too many times, switch it up!]
8. AIM! Just don't throw your gun over the bunker and shoot anywhere as fast as you can. More then likely YOU will get hit not them. Always take your time and aim.
9. Check your hopper to make sure you have paint. Can't hit a guy if you have no balls in gun can you?
10. Have fun. That's what it is all about. If you get out big deal you can always play the next game. Don't hold grudges just learn from you mistakes and you will do better next time.